
Showing posts from June, 2013

Camping out in the Amazon

Earlier this week, I set out from the Amazonian research station where I am based with with two Kichwa guides, three hammocks, food for two days, and six camera traps. The intention was to place as many camera traps as possible within those two days. Image 1 -  The Churuyaku is born on the west side of Armadillo Hill, Payamino's tallest point, and snakes around until it ends up east of the mountains and near the village, where it spills out into Rio Payamino.

Monkeying about Armadillo

About seven weeks ago, I began the second part of my mammal diversity project, setting camera traps out in primary forest. The largest contiguous tract of primary forest in Payamino is probably that which surrounds and englobes Armadillo Hill, the highest part of Payamino. Armadillo Hill isn't actually that high (700 m at its tallest peak, so just 400 m higher than the research station), but the steep and hilly terrain of the surrounding area makes hiking challenging, especially once off the few trails and in the thick of virgin rainforest. Image 1 - View from the highest peak of Armadillo Hill, looking out onto the low(er)lands.